Il Dipartimento di Scienze ha ricevuto in donazione la licenza accademica per il 2023 dei programmi della suite MOVE da Petroleum Experts' (Engineering & Geological Software Development). La licenza del software è stato concessa per fini didattici e ricerca non commerciale per i corsi di master e del dottorato di ricerca. Il Dipartimento di Scienze desidera ringraziare Petroleum Experts' che ha donato all'Università l'equivalente di £ 1,872,218,26 (vedi tabella per i dettagli).
The Department of Science has received as donation the annual academic license for 2023 of the MOVE suite programs from the Petroleum Experts' (Engineering & Geological Software Development). The software has been licensed for teaching, tutorials and non-commercial research from Master and PhD courses.
The Department of Science would like to thank Petroleum Experts' that has donated the equivalent of £ 1,872,218,26 to the University (see table for details).
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