The PhD program in “Architecture City Landscape” focuses on cities’ morphologies, features, and processes, namely on the interplay between spatial forms and tangible, environmental, cultural, and social issues. Its main objective is training researchers able to address the complexity of the global challenges that the local, urban, and metropolitan contexts are facing and awaiting, also in the light of the goals set by the 2030Agenda, notably social inclusion and ecological and digital transitions. Its disciplinary fields are: Architectural Technology (Icar /12), Architectural and Urban Design (Icar /14), Landscape Architecture (Icar /15), Representation of Architecture (Icar /17), Restoration (Icar /19), Urban Planning (Icar /21), Real Estate Appraisal (Icar /22). The PhD boasts active cooperation networks in Italy and abroad, with research institutions, universities, and public administrations. The multidisciplinary composition of its Board provides methods and operational tools to build new skills aimed at: reading, interpreting, and representing ongoing transformations; envisioning possible development scenarios for sustainable communities; dealing with the manifold dynamics affecting the built environment at all levels and scales; adopting strategic approaches, even by applied research and design. The PhD helps developing research and critical thinking, while enhancing skills and competences, in the following theoretical and applicative fields: • urban studies, urban and regional planning, policy and programs assessment, collaborative governance; • architectural, urban, and landscape design; • technologies for architecture and urban regeneration projects; • integration of technological innovation with socio-territorial, educational, and cultural innovation, also referring to new digital environments and civic arts; • digitalinnovationfortheknowledgeanddisseminationofarchitecture and landscape heritage; • development of environmental policies and transition to renewable energy; • understanding, assessing, and forecasting climate change impacts on natural and built environments.
Link identifier #identifier__156300-1Link identifier #identifier__67004-2Link identifier #identifier__17606-3Link identifier #identifier__3718-4


codice CURR1093