Thesis Workshops

Thesis Workshops are freely proposed by the Department’s teaching groups, willing to work together on specific academic subjects and/or operative areas particularly fascinating, preferebly with an interdisciplinary nature. According to the guidelines provided by the 240/2010 Law, Thesis Workshops are one of the main situations gathering academic and research, promoting a continuous and fertile transmit of cultural growth and competences. For this purpose, as well as professors coming from the Roma Tre University Department of Architecture, others professors, researchers and post-docs coming from others Departments or Italian/European Architecture Schools, can be part of the Teaching Body, encouraging and promoting, therefore, cultural exchanges and new forms of internationalization and partnership between different institutions. Thesis Workshops offer an educational component, articulated and adjusted to the development of the degree thesis, setting up meetings, theme-based seminars, conferences, collective reviews and everything that is needed for supporting the graduating students™ work of research and for simplifying the contest and competition between thesis focused contemporary on the same subject. These activities will be applied in each Master’s Degree, during the second term of the second year. At the end of the thesis work, the Teaching Body of each Thesis Workshop will release a pass-fail certificate which allows the graduating student to take the final exam. The credits referred to the final exam shall be obtained by the graduating student exclusively after the graduation exam.

Thesis Workshops

  • Internal areas
  • Link identifier #identifier__2590-2CCreation of a Dynamic Atlas for the enhancement of the cultural heritage, tangible and intangible, and of the landscape
  • Link identifier #identifier__125440-3The Rome’s RomeRome’sRome’s Campo Trincerato
  • Link identifier #identifier__187324-4The living space – not active for A.Y. 2019/2020
  • Link identifier #identifier__170440-5Historical urban landscape (HUL) and archaeological landscape
  • Link identifier #identifier__42748-6Planning the complexity – not active for A.Y. 2019/2020
  • Link identifier #identifier__60082-7Designing in the antique
  • Link identifier #identifier__191923-8Resilient City, Resilient Society
Link identifier #identifier__164399-1Link identifier #identifier__49180-2Link identifier #identifier__68539-3Link identifier #identifier__179179-4
Emiliano Mattiello 13 March 2024