Academic calendar academic year (a.y.) 2024-2025
- Admissions exam: **.07.2024
- Start of 1st semester lectures: 01.10.2024
- Christmas Holidays: 21.12.2024-06.01.2025
- End of 1st semester lectures: 17.01.2025
- First session Intermediate Exams a.y. 2024-2025: 20.01.2025-25.02.2025
- Start of 2nd semester lectures: 03.03.2025
- Easter Holidays: 18.04.2025-22.04.2025
- End of 2nd semester lectures: 14.06.2025
- Second session intermediate exams a.y. 2024-2025: 16.06.2025-09.07.2025
- 3-year bachelor’s and 5-year master’s first session a.y. 2024-2025: 23-24-25.07.2025
- Third session intermediate exams a.y. 2023-2024: 01.09.2025-23.09.2025
- 3-year bachelor’s and 5-year master’s second session a.y. 2024-2025: 24-25-26.09.2024
- 3-year bachelor’s and 5-year master’s extraordinary session a.y. 2024-2025: 18-19.12.2025
- 3-year bachelor’s and 5-year master’s third session a.y. 2024-2025: 26-27-28.02.2026
Academic calendar academic year (a.y.) 2023-2024
- Admissions exam: 26.07.2023
- Start of 1st semester lectures: 02.10.2023
- Christmas Holidays: 23.12.2023-07.01.2024
- End of 1st semester lectures: 13.01.2024
- First session Intermediate Exams a.y. 2023-2024: 22.01.2024-23.02.2023
- Start of 2nd semester lectures: 04.03.2024
- Easter Holidays: 29.03.2024-02.04.2024
- End of 2nd Semester lectures: 08/06/2024
- Second session intermediate exams a.y. 2023-2024: 17.06.2024-23.07.2024
- 3-year bachelor’s – 4-year bachelor’s (V.O.) and 5-year master’s first session a.y. 2023-2024: 24-25-26.07.2024
- Third session intermediate exams a.y. 2023-2024: 02.09.2024-24.09.2024
- 3-year bachelor’s – 4-year bachelor’s (V.O.) and 5-year master’s second session a.y. 2023-2024: 25-26-27.09.2024
- 3-year bachelor’s – 4-year bachelor’s (V.O.) and 5-year master’s extraordinary session a.y. 2023-2024: 18-19-20.12.2024
- 3-year bachelor’s – 4-year bachelor’s (V.O.) and 5-year master’s third session a.y. 2022-2024: 26-27-28.02.2025
Timetable second semester (a.y.) 2023-2024
- Link identifier #identifier__112351-1Timetable _ 21.03.2024
Subdivision in channels
Three-channel workshops:
- Channel I —> A-D
- Channel II —> E-O
- Channel III —> P-Z
Two-channel courses:
- Channel I —> A-L
- Channel II —> M-Z
Please note that students must adhere to their assigned channels. This applies not only to standard students, but also to those enrolled in single courses and incoming students (e.g. Erasmus and other mobility programmes).
How to participate in lectures
Premise: Note that the courses are based on mandatory attendance. Any request for remote participation in on-site courses must be made in advance and justified to the lecturer in charge of the specific course.
The timetable has been defined in order to guarantee the availability of classroom places for all up-to-date students enrolled in the current academic year. Participation in lectures by students behind in their exams must be agreed with the lecturer in charge according to availability.
Indications for On-site Courses
- You must log in at least once to the course(s) you wish to participate in via the on-line Moodle platform: Link identifier #identifier__46717-2, using EXCLUSIVELY your own university credentials ( + password).
- Logging in to the Moodle platform AUTOMATICALLY registers you with the relevant TEAMS class, which will be used by lecturers to conduct courses both completely remotely and in a mixed manner.
- Use the GOMP portal (under “COURSE, STUDY PROGRAMMES & EXAMS”, and then “Book a classroom place”), to book physical access to on-site lectures.
- Those who cannot participate in person (taking into consideration that stated above), may follow the course remotely using the TEAMS platform.
More information is available on the page: Link identifier #identifier__40542-3
Indications for Distance Learning
- You must log in at least once to the course(s) you wish to participate in via the on-line Moodle platform: Link identifier #identifier__130123-4, using EXCLUSIVELY your own university credentials ( + password).
- Logging in to the Moodle platform AUTOMATICALLY registers you with the relevant TEAMS class, which will be used by lecturers to conduct remote courses.
More information is available on the page: Link identifier #identifier__21678-5
- The majority of the courses – including all workshops and theory and application ones – will take place in the classroom. A minority of courses will take place remotely, in the ways already tested last semester, via the Moodle and Teams platforms, which, this year, will be used in an integrated way.
- All on-site courses will also be guaranteed remotely in a simultaneous manner. For such purpose, the classrooms have been equipped with suitable multimedia equipment (webcam, microphone, graphics tablet, etc.). New guidelines for distance learning students will be available as soon as possible.
- In order to observe social distancing, heavily enrolled courses will use either sufficiently large classrooms or adjoining classrooms, so that a lecture or workshop given by a lecturer in one classroom can be followed on the screens in the other.
- In this way, room will be made in the classrooms for all enrolled students, and the mandatory booking of a classroom place via the student’s reserved area for each lesson will only be used by the department for the purposes of preventing the spread of infection and keeping track of attendance. More detailed information is available on the student portal: Link identifier #identifier__32160-6
- Regarding on-site courses, students can opt for distance learning for justified health reasons. For such purpose, a procedure is being defined to ensure that the option to remotely follow courses can be communicated as soon as possible, in order to better plan activities.
- In each classroom, usable seats, maximum room capacity and guidelines have been clearly indicated.
- During the semester, free study and remaining in classrooms outside of class hours will continue to be prohibited. In order to facilitate on-site activities, therefore, the study areas in Hall 2B will be adapted with suitable equipment and used as teaching classrooms.
- Likewise, some rooms at the Madonna dei Monti site will also be used for teaching purposes.
- The course timetable will be from 08:30 to 12:30, and 14:00 to 20:00.
- During the lunch break, from 12:30 to 14:00, the classrooms will be sanitized, and, therefore, must be completely vacated.
- Due to the timetabling complexity, changes in assigned channels will be limited to exceptional cases.
- In order to facilitate the tracking and tracing of close and casual contacts, in reference to points 4 and 5, students, teachers and technical and administrative staff are strongly advised to use the IMMUNI app and keep it active during their presence in university spaces (as per Presidential Decree of 07/08/2020, Point 6, Annex 22).