
professore espone davanti al grande schermo in aula magna - professor exhibits in front of the big screen in the lecture hallTo enroll in Bachelor’s or Master’s programs available at Roma Tre, requirements for entry and acceptance procedures set out in the admissions notices must be met.

Clarification guides on the procedures to be followed may be found in the Link identifier #identifier__89284-1Instructionpage where other notices and announcements for other courses are also listed. These include but are not limited to summer schools and ASTRE -Alta Scuola Roma Tre- a particular Graduate School funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.

Enroll in Bachelor’s Degree Programs

In order to enroll in the first year of a Bachelor’s, it is necessary to have a secondary school (high school) diploma.

For those who hold foreign qualifications, please refer to the Link identifier #identifier__111423-2Guide “How to Apply – Students with Foreign Qualifications and to the Regulation for Admission to University Courses with Foreign Qualifications and Recognition of Foreign Qualifications available on Link identifier #identifier__47874-3Regulation page.

Contemporary enrollment is prohibited in most courses of study, except in those cases provided for compatibility.

Enroll in Master’s Degree Programs

To enroll, you must:

  • have a degree (or obtain it within the terms indicated in the Rector’s Call for Admissions)
  • apply following enrollment procedures

Masters courses may be “open” or have a limited number of students that can be enrolled. The criteria, requirements and deadlines for admission to the various courses are detailed for each Department’s individual Didactic Regulations in the Rector’s Call for Admissions (Bando Rettorale).

Link identifier #identifier__176339-4Link identifier #identifier__157548-5Link identifier #identifier__124690-6Link identifier #identifier__86001-7
Emiliano Mattiello 13 March 2024