The course aims to participate, through the representation of architecture to the development of the following skills:
• Knowing and managing the grammar and syntax of graphic representation
• Knowing how to manage the graphic process of the design (in a traditional and digital way)
• Know how to perform the graphic analysis of an architectural work
• Representing architecture and its concept, and the themes to which it is linked, with diagrammatic representations.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


The class of digital drawing aims to provide students with fundamental knowledge on the proper use of the digital instrument and related software. During the course, through some preparatory exercises for the exam, we will teach the techniques and tools for drawing 2d, until the correct execution and print a board of an architectural project properly formatted. They will also be in-depth some of the themes on the three-dimensional modeling and rendering, with particular attention to the care and of the composition and the regulation and distribution of shadows and lights, where possible also with nods to the use of textures applied to the rendered material.
Finally, it will mention the processing, management, editing and pagination of raster images.
The planned exercises are 5 throughout the year, partly individual, partly in group: drawing tools 2d, 2d editing tools, the theme of the year project, 3d modeling, 2d board formatted in paper space.
It is a must, in order to take the exam, deliver all exercises.
Otherwise there is a four hours graphic test of the end of year to perform in the classroom, whose success allows access examination.

Testi Adottati

Migliari Riccardo. 2003. Geometria dei modelli. Roma: Edizioni Kappa, 2003, 311 p. ISBN: 88-7890-512-7.
De Luca Livio. 2011. La Fotomodellazione Architettonica. Palermo: Dario Flaccovio Editore, 2011. ISBN:978-88-579-0070-4
Lo Turco Massimiliano. Il BIM e la rappresentazione infografica nel processo edilizio. Dieci anni di ricerche e applicazioni. Roma: Aracne, 2015, 396 p. ISBN 9788854882508

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

- Albisinni, P., Chiavoni, E., De Carlo, L. (a cura di). Verso un disegno “integrato”. La tradizione del disegno nell’immagine digitale. Roma: Gangemi Editore, 2010. - Albisinni P., De Carlo L. (a cura di). Architettura, disegno, modello. Roma: Gangemi Editore, 2011. - Docci, E., Chiavoni, M. Saper leggere l’architettura, Roma: Laterza, 2017 - Calisi, Daniele. Luce ed ombra nella rappresentazione. Rilettura storica e sperimentazioni idiomatiche. Aracne editrice 2015 - ISBN:9788854883239 - Migliari, R. (a cura di). Disegno come Modello. Roma: Edizioni Kappa, 2004. - Migliari, R.(a cura di). Geometria descrittiva. Volume II – Tecniche e applicazioni. Novara: Città Studi Edizioni, 2009. - Sacchi, L., Unali, Maurizio, a cura di. 2003. Architettura e cultura digitale. Milano: Biblioteca di Architettura Skira, 2003. - Valenti, Graziano Mario. Deformare – Deforming. Roma: Rdesignpress, 2008. - De Carlo, L. (a cura di). Informatica e fondamenti scientifici della rappresentazione. Roma: Gangemi Editore, 2007.

Modalità Erogazione

Theoretical and laboratory lectures that help to acquire critical and practical skills for digital project management. 5 exercises are scheduled during the semester, mandatory and preparatory for the exam. 1 ex. digital drawing tools (individual) 2 e.g. editing tools (individual) 3 e.g. Polishing of the assigned (group) architectural project 4 e.g. 3D modeling of the assigned architectural project (group of two) 5 e.g. Layout of the CAD table of the assigned architectural project (individual) The last 3 exercises are on the assigned year theme and will help the student to get to the exam already the work set, leaving the final reviews the purpose of ending the work in the best way. exemption is provided for the first two exercises of knowledge of the Autocad software, only for students with certificates of courses carried out in secondary school, and for off-course students who prove their skills with the software by viewing files of exams already taken.

Modalità Frequenza

compulsory attendance for at least 75% of the hours

Modalità Valutazione

for online evaluation, the material must be uploaded at least one week before the date of appeal, as indicated in the directives of the Architecture Design course. individual oral test and assigned project evaluation. 2 exam tables 50x70cm: 1 CAD board on the assigned architectural project showing the skills acquired digitally in the representation and application of graphic regulations. 1 rendering board of the 3D model of the assigned architectural project. the renders will be of elevations, sections, plans, axonometric exploded views, perspective exploded views, axonometric open views, perspective open views, perspective views. An interior or exterior render of the assigned project, which highlights the ability to represent architecture digitally, with the use of materials and lights.