The course in the first semester, aims to stimulate students in the study of architecture as a moment of critical acquisition, putting them in a position to understand the original nature and the essential principles that constitute the architectural practice and to trace the complexity of the phenomenon towards the archetypal essentiality of the basic elements.


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This is the first part of an annual architectural design workshop.
The learning path is articulated through the acquisition of the critical, theoretical and practical tools necessary for the architect's work. Building means measuring and shaping space, allowing the geometric-abstract dimension of the project to take root in the specific identity of the place and to confront the human scale.
Through a sequence of lectures and composition exercises, students will be confronted with the problem of the form of architectural space, in relation to type, structural conception, aesthetic formative intention, construction, programme, and definition of the most appropriate character in relation to the theme and circumstances.
The exercises conducted in this part of the course begin with a series of studies of the composition of plastic forms, and then focus on the theme of the relationship with the place - in particular with a specific topographical condition - to arrive at the interpretative reading and analysis of reference architectures, which will be the subject of redesign and reconstruction through the elaboration of models.
The reading of significant architectures, conducted through the identification of compositional and design themes, is aimed at clarifying the relationships between the parts that constitute the architectural organism, between the conception and construction of the work, investigating from within, as in an anatomical dissection, the reasons for the generation of forms.
Through this path the student becomes aware of the tools and techniques indispensable to the control of form and the design of space, in its possible articulations, from the initial idea to the final definition.

Testi Adottati

Le Corbusier, Verso una architettura, Longanesi, 2003
Fernando Távora, Dell'organizzazione dello spazio, nottetempo, 2021
Jörn Utzon, Idee di architettura. Scritti e conversazioni, Christian Marinotti, 2011
Francesco Venezia, Che cos’è l’architettura, Milano 2011
Francesco Cellini, Manualetto, Norme tecniche, costruttive e grafiche per lo svolgimento di una esercitazione progettuale sul tema della casa unifamiliare, Palermo, 1991

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Étienne Louis Boullée, Architettura. Saggio sull'arte, Marsilio, 1967 Adolf Loos, Parole nel vuoto, Adelphi, 1992 Heinrich Tessenow, Osservazioni elementari sul costruire, Franco Angeli, 1974 Le Corbusier, Verso una architettura, Longanesi, 2003 Fernando Távora, Dell'organizzazione dello spazio, nottetempo, 2021 Jörn Utzon, Idee di architettura. Scritti e conversazioni, Christian Marinotti, 2011 Francesco Venezia, Che cos’è l’architettura, Milano 2011 Francesco Cellini, Manualetto, Norme tecniche, costruttive e grafiche per lo svolgimento di una esercitazione progettuale sul tema della casa unifamiliare, Palermo, 1991

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is compulsory for 75% of the lectures Attendance at lectures and study of the bibliography is essential for the attainment of an ability to value and control composition. Assiduity and continuity of revision with lecturers and assistants is essential for the development of the exercises.

Modalità Valutazione

The evaluation will cover the entire course of each student and will be carried out by means of in itinere assignments and a concluding seminar, in which the student will demonstrate the knowledge acquired, presenting the work, with graphics and models, accompanied by a 'logbook' containing drawings, photos of the models, sketches, references, notes.