The course in the first semester, aims to stimulate students in the study of architecture as a moment of critical acquisition, putting them in a position to understand the original nature and the essential principles that constitute the architectural practice and to trace the complexity of the phenomenon towards the archetypal essentiality of the basic elements.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


The applicative part of the course introduces the student to the design of a single-family residential architectural organism inserted within a lot of assigned dimensions. This lot, whose altimetric trend registers a slight slope, is located on the shores of a lake for which a specific geographical location is not provided but only some reference images.
A detailed functional program is provided, the client: the designer, painter, teacher Bruno Munari, whose multifaceted aesthetic contribution and applied thought within the history of 20th century art are illustrated.

Testi Adottati

B. Zevi, Saper vedere l'architettura. Saggio sull'interpretazione spaziale dell'architettura, Torino, Einaudi, 1953.

L. Quaroni, Progettare un edificio. Otto lezioni di Architettura, Milano, Mazzotta, 1977.
P.O. Rossi, La costruzione del progetto architettonico, Bari, Editori Laterza, 1996.
H.Hertzberger, Lezioni di architettura, Bari, Editori Laterza, 1996.
L. Altarelli et al., Forme della composizione, Roma, Kappa, 1997.
G. Ponti, Amate l’architettura, Genova, Vitali e Ghianda, 1957, (ristampa in commercio: Milano, CUSL, 2004).

M. Bonaiti, Architettura è. Louis I. Kahn, gli scritti, Electa, Milano, 2002
R. Moneo, Inquietudine teorica e strategia progettuale nell’opera di otto architetti contemporanei, Electa,2005.
B. Munari, Fantasia, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1977.
B. Munari, Da cosa nasce cosa, Laterza, Bari-Roma, 1981.
M. Meneguzzo, Bruno Munari, Electa, Milano, 1986
M. Meneguzzo, Munari ’50. La bellezza come funzione, Corraini, Mantova, 1991.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

B. Zevi, Saper vedere l'architettura. Saggio sull'interpretazione spaziale dell'architettura, Torino, Einaudi, 1953. L. Quaroni, Progettare un edificio. Otto lezioni di Architettura, Milano, Mazzotta, 1977. P.O. Rossi, La costruzione del progetto architettonico, Bari, Editori Laterza, 1996. H.Hertzberger, Lezioni di architettura, Bari, Editori Laterza, 1996. L. Altarelli et al., Forme della composizione, Roma, Kappa, 1997. G. Ponti, Amate l’architettura, Genova, Vitali e Ghianda, 1957, (ristampa in commercio: Milano, CUSL, 2004). M. Bonaiti, Architettura è. Louis I. Kahn, gli scritti, Electa, Milano, 2002 R. Moneo, Inquietudine teorica e strategia progettuale nell’opera di otto architetti contemporanei, Electa,2005. B. Munari, Fantasia, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1977. B. Munari, Da cosa nasce cosa, Laterza, Bari-Roma, 1981. M. Meneguzzo, Bruno Munari, Electa, Milano, 1986 M. Meneguzzo, Munari ’50. La bellezza come funzione, Corraini, Mantova, 1991.

Modalità Erogazione

The second part of the course includes introductory lessons on the theme of the design of a residential architectural organism; illustrative lessons of notable examples of single-family residential architectures of modern and contemporary production; lessons on design topics related to the assigned theme. These lessons are combined with the design work carried out in the classroom through the development of three-dimensional models and drawings at the appropriate scales. Periodic collective reviews of the works mark the progress of the project, refining the individual proposals in view of the final exam.

Modalità Valutazione

The evaluation will refer to the quality and technical, spatial, distributive and aesthetic coherence of the project's architectural organism, both in its internal parts and in its connections with the external proximity spaces. It will also be connected to the ability of the individual candidates to illustrate the whole of their annual work (both the introductory part and the application part) and to interact with the solicitations of the commission.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


This is the second part of an annual architectural design workshop.
In the teaching of design, one experiments with multi-scalar procedures, gradually constructing the typological, structural and aesthetic connections that define the special characteristics of the form of architectural space. The acquisition of this ability allows the project to be interpreted as a tool capable of relating objects - as compositions of plastic forms - architecture and the city - the fixed scene of human events - through the definition of multiple systems of relationships. The landscape - artificial or natural, but always understood in its morphological components, hence also geographical and geological - plays an active role in the definition of spatial sequences where interior and exterior are parts of a single narrative.
It deals with the construction of a small building with a simple programme, grafted into the specificity of a given place. The project theme involves some fundamental tensions: individual and collective, public space and private dimension, typological, structural and expressive choices, exterior and interior, nature and artifice. Drawing and model building will be fundamental tools of analysis and design.
The students will thus have the opportunity to put into practice with the project the experiences acquired in terms of the measurement and configuration of space, the identification of formal structures and their expression through construction choices, and the search for the most appropriate character for the definition of the theme. The objective is to root the geometric-abstract dimension of the project in the specific identity of the place, with its identity, history and geographical condition.

Testi Adottati

Le Corbusier, Verso una architettura, Longanesi, 2003
Fernando Távora, Dell'organizzazione dello spazio, nottetempo, 2021
Jörn Utzon, Idee di architettura. Scritti e conversazioni, Christian Marinotti, 2011
Francesco Venezia, Che cos’è l’architettura, Milano 2011
Francesco Cellini, Manualetto, Norme tecniche, costruttive e grafiche per lo svolgimento di una esercitazione progettuale sul tema della casa unifamiliare, Palermo, 1991

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Étienne Louis Boullée, Architettura. Saggio sull'arte, Marsilio, 1967 Adolf Loos, Parole nel vuoto, Adelphi, 1992 Heinrich Tessenow, Osservazioni elementari sul costruire, Franco Angeli, 1974 Le Corbusier, Verso una architettura, Longanesi, 2003 Fernando Távora, Dell'organizzazione dello spazio, nottetempo, 2021 Jörn Utzon, Idee di architettura. Scritti e conversazioni, Christian Marinotti, 2011 Francesco Venezia, Che cos’è l’architettura, Milano 2011 Francesco Cellini, Manualetto, Norme tecniche, costruttive e grafiche per lo svolgimento di una esercitazione progettuale sul tema della casa unifamiliare, Palermo, 1991

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is compulsory for 75% of the lectures. Attendance is tracked by noting attendance at general reviews as well as the various discussions during the semester. The assiduity and continuity of reviews with lecturers and assistants is essential for the project to run successfully.

Modalità Valutazione

The assessment will be carried out through in itinere verifications and a concluding seminar, in which the student will demonstrate the knowledge acquired, presenting the work with drawings and models, accompanied by a short analytical-critical text. This will also include documentation of the process that led to the final project, through a selection of study drawings, photos of the models, sketches, references, notes. The assessment will take into account participation in the classroom activities, the degree of autonomy in managing the design process, the ability to react critically to the indications offered by the lecturers, as well as the completeness of the design outcome, its correspondence to the themes dealt with and the quality of its presentation.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


A House in the Roman Countryside.

The second part of the course will be dedicated to the design of a house. The essential features are its single-family purpose, therefore of small dimensions, and its location: the Roman countryside. The specification of the context that will be useful to inspire the design theme will be the subject of specific lessons in which we will address the essential characteristics of the location.

The design theme consists of creating a small residential structure. This structure should be conceived considering innovative concepts of living, advanced spatial and construction solutions, taking into account the intended use, as contemporary society is increasingly oriented towards new professions, new forms of cohabitation, and new ways of dwelling.

Particular attention will be given to the planimetric control of the project, the section, and the volumetrics, as well as the relationships that the house should establish with its surroundings, both directly and indirectly. Nature will be interpreted as a place of origin and could be seen as a new 'Arcadia,' an ideal place for contemplation or the development of new human activities, a place of gathering and harmony in a hypothetical 'return' to ancient rituals.

Testi Adottati

James G. Frazer, Il ramo d’oro, Newton Compton 2009
George Leonard Hersey, Il significato nascosto dell'architettura classica, Editore: Bruno Mondadori, Anno edizione: 2001
F.Purini, Esercizi di composizione, Editore: Libreria, Melfi Anno edizione: 1996
F.Purini, Comporre l'architettura, Editore: Laterza Bari, Anno edizione: 2000
Colin Rowe, La matematica della villa ideale, Editore: Zanichelli, Anno edizione: 1992
E.H. Gombrich, La storia dell'arte, Editore: Phaidon, Anno edizione: 2008
Ulteriore bibliografia verrà fornita allo studente durante l’anno accademico.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

James G. Frazer, Il ramo d’oro, Newton Compton 2009 George Leonard Hersey, Il significato nascosto dell'architettura classica, Editore: Bruno Mondadori, Anno edizione: 2001 F.Purini, Esercizi di composizione, Editore: Libreria, Melfi Anno edizione: 1996 F.Purini, Comporre l'architettura, Editore: Laterza Bari, Anno edizione: 2000 Colin Rowe, La matematica della villa ideale, Editore: Zanichelli, Anno edizione: 1992 E.H. Gombrich, La storia dell'arte, Editore: Phaidon, Anno edizione: 2008 Ulteriore bibliografia verrà fornita allo studente durante l’anno accademico. Instagram francesco_menegatti_students

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is mandatory for 75% of the course

Modalità Valutazione

The course will be conducted in the form of a workshop. Face-to-face lectures will be held in person, as well as exercises, some of which will be carried out in the classroom and then, if necessary, completed at home. The exercises are designed to delve deeper into the topics covered in the lectures and will include both graphical work involving drawing and the construction of models. There will be a significant emphasis on group discussions of the work produced through collective discussions. At the same time, students will directly engage in the design exercise, developing the building according to the theme proposed by the course in appropriate scales. Additional information about the format and techniques of the work will be provided during the course. Students will be given a series of project areas that can be relocated to various real contexts, such as archaeological, altimetric, wooded, riverine, and a neutral context without specific references. The student will freely choose one of these contexts that they find most suitable for developing their personal thoughts on the annual theme. Travel Journal - Students should have a travel journal, a notebook with blank or squared pages, to draw what they imagine, redraw what they see, and jot down their reflections throughout the course. Necessary Tools For the exercises in the first part of the workshop, you will need a high-weight, smooth A3 sketchbook (Fabriano A6), various hardness pencils, and technical drawing tools. Various thicknesses of fountain pens will be used. It is necessary to have digital drawing tools from the start. The use of a computer and software suitable for electronic drawing is expected from the early stages of the workshop. The graphic elaboration of the final exam sheets will be in digital format, with a minimum of ten sheets. These sheets will represent the project proposed by the workshop according to appropriate scales and digital perspective representations.