Provide the student with the knowledge and skills required to apply physics laws to architecture models. The student will be introduced to the scientific method and its language. Topics discussed during the course are: Mechanical and thermal equilibrium, Elasticity and thermal expansion. Thermodynamics and Fluid dynamics. Heat engines and refrigerators. Conservation laws. Harmonic motion. Longitudinal waves. Sound and hearing.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


Fondamenti di Fisica
prof. F. Bruni


References to reading material correspond to:
Principi di Fisica, Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman. vol. 1. Pearson (2022, 15-th ed.)

Module A: Mechanic and Thermal Equilibrium. Deformation, Elasticity and thermal expansion. Energy density.

1. Equilibrium and Elasticity. Translational and rotational equilibrium. Force and torque.
Read: Chapter 11, 11.1 -11.5. Chapter 8, 8.5. Chapter 10, 10.1. Chapter 1, 1.7-1.10.

2. Temperature and Heat. Thermal Expansion. Mechanism of heat transfer.
Read: Chapter 17, 17.1, 17.4, 17.5, 17.7.

Module B: Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics.

1. Calorimetry and Phase changes. Phases of Matter. Thermodynamic System. Internal Energy and first law of Thermodynamics. Thermodynamic processes. Heat Engines and Refrigerators.
Read: Chapter 17, 17.6. Chapter 18, 18.1, 18.4, 18.6. Chapter 19, 19.1 - 19.8. Chapter 20, 20.1, 20.2, 20.4.

2. Fluid Dynamics. Laminar fluid flow: laminar.
Read: Chapter 12, 12.1 - 12.6.

Module C: Conservation Laws.

1. Work and Kinetic Energy. Potential energy and Energy conservation. Gravitational Potential Energy, Elastic Potential Energy.Conservative and nonconservative Forces. Frictional Forces.
Read: Chapter 6, 6.1- 6.4. Chapter 7, 7.1 -7.6. Chapter 5, 5.3.

2. Simple Armonic Motion.
Read: Chapter 14, 14.1-14-3, 14.6.

Testi Adottati

University Physics with modern Physics Technology updates, Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman, A. Lewis Ford. Pearson

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

University Physics with modern Physics Technology updates, Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman, A. Lewis Ford. Pearson

Modalità Erogazione

The corse is based on lectures, assignments and intermediate tests. The web platform MasteringPhysics (www.pearson.it, access code included in the textbook) is adopted for a continuous check of the level of competence and learning process of each student, In particular, tutorials, demo video, exercises and problems, will be assigned to students weekly, along with tests (3 intermediate tests during the semester), to check each student progress. Assignments and tests can be taken at home using MasteringPhysics.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is required for at least 75% of the lectures and verified with GOMP.

Modalità Valutazione

In addition to the intermediate tests, the final grade is based on a written exam and an oral exam. The oral exam is crucial in determining the final grade. The written exam consists on solving 4 problems on each of the program modules, each one with its own and independent grade (6 point each, minimum grade 3). Grading of the written exam results on a grade between 9 and 18 (sum of the grades obtained on each module). The grade obtained with the intermediate tests (max 1 point for each test) will be added to the written exam grade, and the result will be a grade between 9 and 21. Admission to the oral exam requires a grade A equal or better than 15. The oral test consists of the creation and discussion of a project. The project can be a model, a construction, a phenomenon, a process,… whose realization is based on concepts and equations seen in the “Fundamentals of Physics” course. The purpose of this test is to evaluate the the student's ability to quantitatively describe what has been achieved, to compare a expected result and a predicted one, to make estimates and forecasts. The evaluation of this test corresponds to a score between 1 and 10, which will be added to the admission mark for the oral exam. A student that is not admitted to the oral exam can reach the minimum admission grade by improving their grade of the written exam. Validity of the grades obtained with the intermediate tests and with the written exam is 1 academic year.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


Part A: Mechanic and Thermal Equilibrium. Deformation, Elasticity and thermal expansion. Energy density.

1. Equilibrium and Elasticity. Translational and rotational equilibrium. Force and torque.
Reference: Chapter 11, 11.1 -11.5. Chapter 8, 8.5. Chapter 10, 10.1. Chapter 1, 1.7-1.10.
2. Temperature and Heat. Thermal Expansion. Mechanism of heat transfer. Rayleigh number.
Reference: Chapter 17, 17.1, 17.4, 17.5, 17.7.

Part B: Thermodynamics and Energy Conservation.
1. Calorimetry and Phase changes. Phases of Matter. Thermodynamic System. Internal Energy and first law of Thermodynamics. Thermodynamic processes. Heat Engines and Refrigerators.
Reference: Chapter 17, 17.6. Chapter 18, 18.1, 18.4, 18.6. Chapter 19, 19.1 - 19.8. Chapter 20,
20.1, 20.2, 20.4.
2. Fluid Mechanics. Fluid flow: laminar and turbulent flow. Reynolds number. Viscosity. Real fluids.
Reference: Chapter 12, 12.1 - 12.6.

Part C: Conservation Laws.
1. Work and Kinetic Energy. Potential energy and Energy conservation. Gravitational Potential Energy, Elastic Potential Energy.Conservative and nonconservative Forces. Frictional Forces. Motion analyses: translation, rotation and rolling.
Reference: Chapter 1, 1.10. Chapter 6, 6.1 - 6.4. Chapter 7, 7.1 - 7.4. Chapter 5, 5.3. Chapter 8, 8.1 - 8.4. Chapter 10, 10.2-10.6.
2. Simple Armonic Motion.
(A) Chapter 14, 14.6.

Testi Adottati

A. University Physics with modern Physics Technology updates, Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman, A. Lewis Ford. Pearson
B. lecture notes on TEAMS

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Please, see the previous part

Modalità Erogazione

Lectures and Practice Lessons We will use different software platforms, each dedicated to specific activities: - Teams to create a class, to comunicate with students and to follow lesson authorized by the teacher, - MasteringPhysics to do excercises

Modalità Frequenza

Students have to attend at least 75% of the total amount of lessons

Modalità Valutazione

Information about the textbook, course program, and teaching material can be found on a dedicated Teams group. The course takes advantage of the MasteringPhysics web platform, used for to propose tutorial tutorials, demonstration videos, exercises and problems, and examinations and exams. Instructions on how to access, how and where to find access credentials, are in the document in the TEAMS course. During the semester of the course, you will be offered the on - going trials (3, such as number of modules in which the program is subdivided), to verify the level of understanding and student preparation. These tests are done by using the platform MasteringPhysics. Depending on the outcome, each student may be "exonerated" or "evaluated" or "not exonerated". The meaning of "exonerate" and "not exonerated" is obvious, "to be evaluated" means that it will be necessary to evaluate the outcome of the test in question after completing all three tests ongoing. Each test in the "exonerate" result will be added to the score of the test, bonus points earned by performing home-based exercises with cadence approximately weekly. At the end of the course students with positive evaluations at the three test sessions are directly admitted to the practical test (see below). Students not admitted must get the positive evaluations missing on the exams. As for the exam, this is a written test and a practical test (if for the your order, the physical course is worth 4 CFUs, there is no practical test). The written test can be done in two ways: 1. Accessing the masteringphysics platform; instructions on how to access, how and where to find access credentials are located materials in TEAMS course and Moodle. If decides for this option, the day of the exam you need to bring a computer, test and in the end you have the result immediately. 2. on paper. In any case, the proposed exercises are taken from the textbook, or from similar textbooks. In both modes, the written test is subdivided into the three modules of the course program, and each module has its own independent vote. The written test is considered outdated if the average of the three votes is greater than or equal to 18/30. You are admitted to the oral test only after the written test The booking through the student portal to these exams is mandatory. Practical evidence is the realization and discussion of an experiment, a model, a plastic, ... based on the concepts seen in the course. This test can be done and displayed even in pairs with another student. For any clarifications or questions, please contact the teacher (armida.sodo@uniroma3.it).