Through the study of the topics of Technological Design of Architecture, the module introduces methods, tools and techniques of "integrated design," understood as a unified design process capable of handling the multiple specialisms of contemporary design, to enable students to acquire knowledge and skills aimed at the design experimentation of technological systems, innovative and environmentally sustainable components and materials.


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The Technological Design Laboratory addresses the technological design of buildings by combining the aspects inherent to their technological definition with those related to user needs, construction, and environmental sustainability. The contents are defined with the aim of making students exercise both in the application of knowledge already acquired on materials and construction techniques and in the study of innovative technological solutions aimed at environmental design towards Nearly Zero Energy Buildings.
Through exercises with an increasing degree of complexity, the Laboratory deals with the design from the technological and constructive point of view of the main elements (structure, envelope, roof, wall, etc.), due to their structural and energy-environmental behavior, of materials employees and related building techniques.
The Laboratory is organized in didactic units:
• UD1 (1st part) _ The technological system: performance approach of technological design, classification of the technological system, building process.
• UD2 (1st part) _ The elements of the technological system: technological characteristics of the elements of the building structure, ground connection, vertical and horizontal envelope, in relation to the expected figurative outcomes consistent with the project.
• UD3 (2nd part) _The requirements and constructive configurations of the technological system: constructive and functional conception based on the main requirements (accessibility, fire safety, and equipment).
• UD4 (2nd part) _The building and the context: environmental characteristics, functional structures, and bioclimatic behavior of the building.
• UD5 (3rd part)_The construction nodes: technological design of the most important nodes, designed to represent the relationship and the technical-constructive feasibility of the elements of the structure and the envelope, vertical and horizontal.

Testi Adottati

Allen E., I fondamenti del costruire, Milano 1997
Arbizzani E., Tecnologia dei sistemi edilizi. Progetto e costruzione, Rimini 2011
Deplazes A., Constructing Architecture: Materials, Processes, Structures, Birkhäuser Basel 2006
Marrone P., Morabito G., La tecnologia che serve agli architetti. Come si costruisce oggi e (forse si costruirà) domani, Firenze 2008
Marrone P., Morabito G., La tecnologia che serve agli architetti 2. L’attacco a terra, Firenze 2010
Marrone P., Morabito G., La tecnologia che serve agli architetti 3. La struttura, Firenze 2011
Marrone P., Morabito G., La tecnologia che serve agli architetti 4. L’involucro, Firenze 2014
Marrone P., Morabito G., La tecnologia che serve agli architetti 4. La copertura, Firenze 2016
Manuali di Progettazione edilizia, Milano, 1995 e la serie Grande Atlante dell’Architettura, Utet.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Bruno Munari (1981), Da cosa nasce cosa, Laterza, Bari. Cristina Benedetti (1994), Manuale di architettura bioclimatica, Maggioli, Bologna Cristina Benedetti (2003), Progetto ambiente, Edizioni Kappa, Roma Carmine Falasca (1985), Dal clima alla tipologia. Note metodologiche per la progettazione, Alinea, Firenze Mario Grosso (2017) Il raffrescamento passivo degli edifici in zone a clima temperato (V ed.), Maggioli, Rimini Carlo Melograni (2002), Progettare per chi va in tram: il mestiere dell'architetto, Bruno Mondadori, Milano Malcom Millais (1997), Building structures. From concepts to design, Spon Press, London Giuseppe Morabito (2004), Scienza e arte per progettare l’innovazione in architettura. Saggio su un processo progettuale alla «Leonardo da Vinci», Utet, Torino. Pier Luigi Nervi, (1945), Scienza o arte del costruire?, Roma Victor Olgyay (1990), Progettare con il clima. Un approccio bioclimatico al regionalismo architettonico, Muzzio, Padova (1° ed. 1962) Mario Salvadori e Robert Heller (1964), Le strutture in architettura, Etas-Kompass, Milano Eduardo Torroja (1966), La concezione strutturale, Allemandi&C., Torino Fabrizio Tucci (2012), Ventilazione naturale negli edifici. Atlante dei sistemi tecnologici per l’architettura bioclimatica, Alinea Editrice, Firenze Fabrizio Tucci (2014), Involucro, Clima, Energia. Qualità bioclimatica ed efficienza energetica in architettura nel progetto tecnologico ambientale della pelle degli edifici, Altralinea, Firenze

Modalità Erogazione

The Architectural Construction Laboratory deals with in-depth design of the main elements of a building (structure, opaque and transparent, horizontal and vertical envelope) through the study of case studies, the comparison and evaluation of alternative technological solutions, the representation in detail of the most significant elements of the project. To this aim the Laboratory is organized in: lessons (knowledge and understanding); classroom exercises, related to the lesson (practical application); on-site exercises (direct experience at the training site of the Training Center for Building Masters in Pomezia).

Modalità Frequenza

Participation in the Laboratory requires attendance, with attendance of no less than 75%. The presence will be recorded in the classroom by signing or the elaboration of the exercise linked to the lesson of the day.

Modalità Valutazione

The verification of learning takes place through ongoing assessments related to the exercises carried out in the classroom and to the required design elaborations. The evaluation during the exam will consider the evaluations obtained during the Laboratory and will take place with a discussion on the drawings presented and on the technical contents of the Laboratory. Required documents: General project with plans, sections and elevations on a scale appropriate to the size of the building and, in any case, not less than 1: 200; detail sections in scale from 1:50 to 1: 5; comparative tables of alternative and design technological solutions.

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The aim of the course is to provide all the appropriate tools for students to manage design relations between materials, building elements, working techniques, requirements and regulations involved since the concept design. All that fully aware of the strong link between typological-stylish features and technological-architectural ones of the building conceived as a whole of interrelated and organized parts, according to a systemic and performance design approach.

Testi Adottati

Watts A., Modern Construction Handbook, Springer, Vienna and New York, 2001

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

AA.VV. [Varie]. Grandi Atlanti dell’Architettura, UTET, Milano. Allen E., I fondamenti del costruire, Milano 1997 Arbizzani E., Tecnologia dei sistemi edilizi. Progetto e costruzione, Rimini 2011

Modalità Erogazione

The Building Technology Module deals with in-depth design of the main elements of a building (structure, opaque and transparent, horizontal and vertical envelope) through the study of case studies, the comparison and evaluation of alternative technological solutions, the representation in detail of the most significant elements of the project. To this aim the Module is organized in: lessons (knowledge and understanding); classroom exercises, related to the lesson (practical application).

Modalità Frequenza

COMPULSORY at 75% of the hours

Modalità Valutazione

Oral exam, project evaluation and evaluation in progress Exam papers: 1. Presentation regarding the evolution of the project, through the correct exercises, highlighting the changes introduced in the project (before and after) 2. plans, elevations and sections. Scale 1: 100 3. Axonometry and axonometric sections obtained from Revit model (structure only, complete model) 4. Excerpts of significant parts of your project. Sky earth section and relative excerpt of elevation and plan scale 1:20

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The Architectural Construction workshop will adopt the design choices already developed in the Architectural Design course during the first semester. The students' work will be oriented to deepen technological and environmental solutions that help to define an adequate relationship of the building with the environmental context, and a structural concept consistent with the functional and spatial organization, with solutions aimed at construction, and meeting the requirements of accessibility and fire safety. The initial project, defined in its functional, dimensional and structural characteristics, will be revisited and deepened from a technological and environmental point of view.

The Architectural Construction workshop therefore deals with a design of the main elements of the technological system of a building as defined by the Italian standard UNI 8290 through the study and representation in detail of the most significant technical aspects of the project.

Once granted the basic notions on materials, the technological culture of design, the instruments for the management of the building process and the design of construction systems and techniques, the course addresses the contents of the Technology of Architecture, whose scientific-disciplinary contents concern the theories, tools and methods aimed at an experimental architecture at different scales, based on the evolution of settlement uses, of the constructive and environmental concept, as well as of the techniques of transformation of the built environment, with explicit reference to design approaches and strategies useful for balancing the complex relationship between user, environment and technology.

Goals and organization of the course
The Architectural Construction workshop addresses the issues of ecological and energy efficiency of the contemporary architectural project, defining criteria, methods and tools oriented towards the integrated conception of typological, structural and technological solutions. In the course, students will practice both in the application of the knowledge already acquired in the first year on materials and construction techniques, and in the study of new technological solutions aimed at an environmental technological design. The technological / constructive aspects of the project will therefore be studied in depth through the understanding and design experimentation of the construction process of architectural forms, in particular through the correct use of technological systems, innovative and eco-sustainable components and materials, and the environmental sustainability of the intervention through the adoption of solutions and techniques aimed at: energy efficiency, energy production, comfort and safety.
The primary objective of the Laboratory is therefore to provide the knowledge necessary for the technological and environmental control of the design, construction and management process of architecture, highlighting the dialectic between the environmental setting of the project, technical choices and expressive purposes of architecture, through the deepening and application of "integrated design" methods, tools and techniques, understood as a unitary design process capable of managing the many specialisms of contemporary design.
At the end of the course, students must have acquired the ability to control the project from the initial to the executive phase of defining the construction solutions with reference to the phases of the building process and the entire life cycle of the building.

Testi Adottati

Arbizzani, E. (2021), Progettazione tecnologica dell’architettura, Maggioli Editore
Manuali di Progettazione edilizia (1995) e la serie Grande Atlante dell’Architettura, Utet

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Campioli, A., Lavagna, M. (2013). Tecniche e architettura, Città Studi. Cangelli, E., Paolella (2001). Il progetto ambientale degli edifici, Alinea Civiero, P. (2017), Tecnologie per la riqualificazione. Soluzioni e strategie per la trasformazione intelligente del comparto abitativo esistente, Maggioli Editore Marrone P., Morabito G. (2008). La tecnologia che serve agli architetti. Come si costruisce oggi e (forse si costruirà) domani, Hoepli

Modalità Erogazione

The project will be organized according to a progressive development that aims at deepening and designing technological and construction solutions. Bioclimatic simulation and modeling tools through the use of BIM and / or open source software is expected. During the duration of the course, exercises, test and intermediate reviews are scheduled which will concern the technological design activity and the executive definition of the project and will be structured in such a way as to allow progress in the development of the final project. The tests will be designed to check the progress of students in the development of the project. Through the exercises the goal is to develop not only technical skills, but above all a critical and structured ability to respond to the main technological problems in the design and construction of a building. For this purpose, the workshop is organized in: lectures (to implement the knowledge and understanding of the themes of technological design) and exercises related to the lesson (to develop skills useful for the technological design of the project). Students will have to develop also a technological catalog collecting those technical sheets of the systems - products - materials - solutions chosen by the group for the project, where the assembly systems and laying patterns, performance specifications, certificates, etc. will be reported. .., relating to the specific technologies selected and used for the design. Regarding to the exam, 5-6 sheets are required, drawn up in ISO A1 format (59.4 cm width x 84 height), in black and white and / or color, which will focus on: S 1. Preliminary classification and technological-environmental analysis (sunshine / prevailing winds) of the intervention context. Presentation of the project with critical definition of the new concept, of the choices of architectural and environmental insertion, matrix of technological choices according to UNI 8290 and the definition of the functional program, and any changes made to the initial project must be highlighted. S 2. Design elaboration of the definitive level of the intervention as development and technical verification of what is set at the meta-design level in table 1, with consequent definition of the application methods / articulations and a synthetic report on the identified need / performance system (system of technological-environmental requirements and design choices for the satisfaction of the same). Plan of a standard floor, ground floor, elevations and at least 2 longitudinal and transversal sections on a scale of 1: 200 accompanied by the dimensioning of the structural axes. S3. Executive level design elaboration of the subsystems and specific components of the intervention. An excerpt in plan and elevation and a ground-roof section will be represented on a scale of 1: 100-1: 50 accompanied by the main codes and abacuses of the partitions, finishes and fixtures. S4.5.6 Design elaboration at executive level of the main construction nodes (ground connection - inter-floor - roof) with detail in scale 1:10 -1: 20 and represented in section and elevation. In addition, the student can also use an architectural section / exploded view to describe the technological solutions adopted coherently. To allow for an adequate performance of the didactic activities, the workshop will be organized as follows: - communications on the online platform; - frontal and simultaneous lessons on the Teams platform; - OneDrive educational material; - reviews in the presence of the documents. The teacher will provide, in the classroom and online, all the teaching material necessary for the preparation of the exam papers in the form of handouts and digitized files. To support the students, the following will be made available: - files of the main communications and related materials, - layout for exercises, - other technical documentation and useful links to support the drafting of the project The organization of the work is aimed at ensuring that the project is developed and brought to conclusion within the times defined by the workshop.

Modalità Frequenza

The course requires attendance and continuous participation in the activities (lessons and exercises). Attendance will be controlled through checks. Access to the exam is subject to obtaining the certificate of attendance which will be granted in relation to the student's presence in the didactic activities contemplated in the course (attendance exceeding 70% of the total number of hours). In the event that the thresholds for exceeding the attendance and the work performed are not reached, the student will have to attend the following Academic year.

Modalità Valutazione

Access to the exam is subject to: - obtaining attendance certificate; - the level of the work carried out during the course; - the state of exercises and gained knowledge of the topics. - upon passing the preparatory exams as required by the Degree Course Regulations. The final exam will have to be taken individually - although the project can be developed in groups of a maximum of 2 students - and includes: on the one hand an oral test which will focus on the didactic contents of the laboratory and on those identified in the study bibliography, on the other hand, it will consist of an interview on the graphic test and on the in-depth analyzes carried out in the exercises appropriately reworked and presented during the examination. The following are evaluated during the final exam: - the acquisition of cultural, theoretical and method specific references to the discipline; - the results achieved by the partial processing carried out at the end of the various operational phases that articulate the course and the contribution made during the seminar to the activities of setting, development and verification of the processing applied; - the quality and disciplinary characterization of the design elaborations with respect to which the demonstrated ability to make explicit and coherent the logical and operational structure followed in the application of the procedures and techniques adopted and in the formalization and communication of the results will assume particular relevance. During the final exam, the candidate must deliver: 1. the examination sheets; 2. the exercises carried out during the year; 3. the technological catalog. Before the conclusion of the laboratory, the course will deliver a document with instructions for preparing the exam tables