To train students in the project activity by dealing, on an experimental basis, with themes focused on the design and restoration of historical or archaeological buildings, with particular consideration to the preservation of pre-existing structures and without renouncing the contemporary project, in the belief of the uniqueness of the working method of the two disciplines usually separated in university programs.
scheda docente | materiale didattico



The course aims to offer students a methodological path to deal with, with full attention, the restoration as well as the contemporary use of buildings offered of historical-architectural or archaeological value. This will be done through individual or group design exercises carried out on multi-layered buildings dating back to different historical periods (from Roman times, up to buildings of the twentieth century).
In the part of Architectural and Urban Design, special attention will be paid to the deepening of the knowledge of the history of modern and contemporary architecture, in particular in the analysis of compositional, constructive and technical solutions, also innovative, compatible with the conservation of values and meaning of historic buildings; values and meaning that must also be maintained in its effective reintegration into contemporary life and needs. In fact, conservation and transformation (or addition of parts, equipped structure, plants) are not incompatible activities if they are guided by a project that is intended as part of an unfinished historical process but, on the contrary, in continuous evolution.

Testi Adottati

C. Ceschi, Teoria e Storia del restauro, Bulzoni, Roma 1970.
G. Carbonara, Trattato di restauro architettonico, Utet, Torino 1996.
M. M. Segarra Lagunes, Restauración. Método y proyectos, Editorial técnica Avicam, Granada 2018.
M. M. Segarra Lagunes, Método y práctica de la restauración arquitectónica. Efesto editore, Roma 2018.
F. Cellini, Francesco Cellini, Mondadori Electa, Milano 2011.
L. Puija (a cura di), Trentaquattro domande a Francesco Cellini, Clean 2019.

Modalità Erogazione

The course takes place through monographic lectures on architectural restoration and design, focused on the study topics, class reviews and inspections carried out in the buildings subject to analysis and restoration projects. Various exercises are scheduled to take place during the semester.

Modalità Frequenza

Both participation in ex cathedra lessons, and the presence during reviews and site inspections are essential and mandatory.

Modalità Valutazione

There are three deliveries, related to the three exercises carried out during the course. Intermediate reviews help define the final grade of the course. The final grade is given by the average of the exercises.

scheda docente | materiale didattico



The course aims to offer students a methodological path to deal with, with full attention, the restoration as well as the contemporary use of buildings offered of historical-architectural or archaeological value. This will be done through individual or group design exercises carried out on multi-layered buildings dating back to different historical periods (from Roman times, up to buildings of the twentieth century).
In the part of Architectural and Urban Design, special attention will be paid to the deepening of the knowledge of the history of modern and contemporary architecture, in particular in the analysis of compositional, constructive and technical solutions, also innovative, compatible with the conservation of values and meaning of historic buildings; values and meaning that must also be maintained in its effective reintegration into contemporary life and needs. In fact, conservation and transformation (or addition of parts, equipped structure, plants) are not incompatible activities if they are guided by a project that is intended as part of an unfinished historical process but, on the contrary, in continuous evolution.

Testi Adottati

C. Ceschi, Teoria e Storia del restauro, Bulzoni, Roma 1970.
G. Carbonara, Trattato di restauro architettonico, Utet, Torino 1996.
M. M. Segarra Lagunes, Restauración. Método y proyectos, Editorial técnica Avicam, Granada 2018.
M. M. Segarra Lagunes, Método y práctica de la restauración arquitectónica. Efesto editore, Roma 2018.
F. Cellini, Francesco Cellini, Mondadori Electa, Milano 2011.
L. Puija (a cura di), Trentaquattro domande a Francesco Cellini, Clean 2019.

Modalità Erogazione

The course takes place through monographic lectures on architectural restoration and design, focused on the study topics, class reviews and inspections carried out in the buildings subject to analysis and restoration projects. Various exercises are scheduled to take place during the semester.

Modalità Frequenza

Both participation in ex cathedra lessons, and the presence during reviews and site inspections are essential and mandatory.

Modalità Valutazione

There are three deliveries, related to the three exercises carried out during the course. Intermediate reviews help define the final grade of the course. The final grade is given by the average of the exercises.