Study of materials, the construction process and the traditional executive techniques and innovations: analysis of their possible use in the restoration project of architectural artefacts of historical and artistic interest.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The educational objectives are designed to enable students to develop, through the knowledge of the history of construction techniques and their role in the evolution of restoration theories, the operational ability to use traditional, advanced, and innovative materials and techniques in restoration projects, with a focus on their sustainability.

The course will focus on:

- The specifics of materials, construction elements, and techniques of past architectures;
- Issues related to conservation, adaptation, and requalification of historically and environmentally significant heritage;
- Appropriate technologies, among those adequate and possible, for various types of interventions on architectural structures or parts thereof;
- Methods for qualitative and quantitative control of technological interventions during the design, implementation, and management phases;
- Methods for verifying the sustainability of interventions.

Testi Adottati

C. Benedetti, **Risanare l'esistente**
C. Tonelli, **Casa 4.0**, 2022
P. Civiero, **Tecnologie per la riqualificazione**, 2017
Additional material will be provided by the instructor directly during the lectures and exercises.

Modalità Erogazione

Lessons - Attendance is compulsory - Oral examination in presence, starting from evaluation of laboratories

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is mandatory for at least 75% of lessons.

Modalità Valutazione

In-class test of laboratories, oral in presence or at distance examination