The course is aimed at studying and analysis of curves and surfaces in plane and in space as mathematical models of architectural elements. To learn, applying to different case studies, the differential properties of parametric curves and surfaces and their composition in a virtual model. By modelling you it is possible to process a thorough analysis of the architectural structure functional to several interventions in the field of restoration.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course will address, through experiences on significant cases, in the archaeological and architectural field, the different methodologies of 3D survey(direct, photogrammetric, laser scanning) integrated with each other. Critical methodologies and stratigraphic analysis, applied to the case studies, will be introduced.
In the gis system module for restoration, these analyses will be systematised in a geographic information system.

Testi Adottati

ALAGNA, A., Stratigrafia per il restauro architettonico, il metodo dell’analisi stratigrafica delle superfici murarie per la conoscenza e la conservazione del costruito storico, Roma 2008.
A. BOATO, L'archeologia in architettura : misurazioni, stratigrafie, datazioni, restauro, introduzione di B. Paolo Torsello. - Venezia : Marsilio, 2008
BROGIOLO, G.P., CAGNANA, A., a cura di, Archeologia dell’architettura metodi e interpretazioni, Firenze 2012.
BRUSAPORCI, S. CENTOFANTI, M. , Sistemi Informativi Architettonici per la gestione, tutela e fruizione dell'edilizia storica, 2012.
DOGLIONI, F., Stratigrafia e restauro, tra conoscenza e conservazione dell’architettura, Trieste 1997.
FRANCOVICH, R., PARENTI, R., a cura di, Archeologia e restauro dei monumenti, I Ciclo di Lezioni sulla Ricerca Applicata all’Archeologia, Certosa di Pontignano (Siena), 28 Settembre – 10 Ottobre 1987, Firenze 1988.
HARRIS, E.C., Principles of Archaeological stratigraphy, London 1979, (trad. Ital.. D. Manacorda, Principi di stratigrafia archeologica, Roma 1983.
L. MARINO, Il rilievo per il restauro : ricognizioni, misurazioni, accertamenti, restituzioni, elaborazioni. - Milano : Hoepli, 1990

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

ALAGNA, A., Stratigrafia per il restauro architettonico, il metodo dell’analisi stratigrafica delle superfici murarie per la conoscenza e la conservazione del costruito storico, Roma 2008. A. BOATO, L'archeologia in architettura : misurazioni, stratigrafie, datazioni, restauro, introduzione di B. Paolo Torsello. - Venezia : Marsilio, 2008 BROGIOLO, G.P., CAGNANA, A., a cura di, Archeologia dell’architettura metodi e interpretazioni, Firenze 2012. BRUSAPORCI, S. CENTOFANTI, M. , Sistemi Informativi Architettonici per la gestione, tutela e fruizione dell'edilizia storica, 2012. DOGLIONI, F., Stratigrafia e restauro, tra conoscenza e conservazione dell’architettura, Trieste 1997. FRANCOVICH, R., PARENTI, R., a cura di, Archeologia e restauro dei monumenti, I Ciclo di Lezioni sulla Ricerca Applicata all’Archeologia, Certosa di Pontignano (Siena), 28 Settembre – 10 Ottobre 1987, Firenze 1988. HARRIS, E.C., Principles of Archaeological stratigraphy, London 1979, (trad. Ital.. D. Manacorda, Principi di stratigrafia archeologica, Roma 1983. L. MARINO, Il rilievo per il restauro : ricognizioni, misurazioni, accertamenti, restituzioni, elaborazioni. - Milano : Hoepli, 1990

Modalità Erogazione

The course will be divided into two series of activities: theoretical lessons in the classroom on the topics relevant to the course, and practical exercises, carried out on the spot. Theoretical lessons will cover in particular: • map analysis, surveys of current maps and historical maps; • Survey in urban centres affected by the earthquake: methods, application procedures. Study of some application cases - Retro-arquata del Tronto. • Methods of urban survey, planimetric (ground floor plan and roofing) and altimetric (facade diagrams and section profiles); procedures and applications. • Study of some application cases – Cave and Castrovetere and Riserraglio district (Tivoli), Rione Monti (Rome); Methods of detection by photogrammetry (on the ground and in flight with drone) and laser scanner. Some application cases • Methodology of architectural survey: procedures and applications• Study of some application cases– Castel Gandolfo, San carlino, slaughterhouse, Tivoli; •critical and stratigraphic methodologies, analysis of wall types, degradation and cracking picture of facades of application case studies. • methodologies of archaeological importance: methods of virtual reconstruction. • The archaeology of architecture: analysis of stratigraphic units. In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. The practical exercises will be carried out on the field through the survey of the selected case studies for each group of students, in coordination with the urban restoration laboratory, and in particular: • Urban survey of some blocks of the historic centre and 3D survey of the facades of the buildings being studied; • Architectural survey of study buildings; • Critical and stratigraphic relief of a facade of the buildings under study

Modalità Frequenza

Students must have attended at least 75% of the lessons

Modalità Valutazione

Presentation and evaluation of the tables. The examination includes the discussion of the tables produced during the year under the supervision of the teacher and a test of the theoretical individual preparation. In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented.