21002097-1 - RESTAURO

Study of the design process of the restoration of architecture, from the theoretical and analytical fields to the operational aspects. The application of this process has the objective of designing and defining appropriate interventions in architectural restoration of selected case studies. During the workshop technical insights are provided on the importance of historic buildings and the physical technique applied.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The module of Architectural Design of the Restoration and Enhancement within the course will contribute to the treatment of theoretical topics, to the illustration of tools and methods related to the design and execution processes of the restoration through the presentation of models of behavior, demonstrated through real examples at the scales of the territory, the settlement, architecture and its components.
Within the framework of this path, teaching aims to achieve the following learning outcomes:
1) understanding of the production processes of the restoration and enhancement project.
2) the ability to trace, contextualize, analyze and critically interpret the role of direct historiographical sources (critical and targeted surveys) and indirect (bibliographic, iconographic, cartographic, archival documentary) for the purpose of the project and the implementation of the restoration.
3) the propensity to practice the definition of technical solutions for restoration that are technically effective, economically sustainable, philologically compatible.

Testi Adottati

Marconi P. Restauro dei monumenti. Cultura, progetti e cantieri 1967-2010. Roma: Gangemi; 2012
Pugliano A. Con il fine di Conservare. Fisionomia professionale e ambiti operativi degli addetti alla conservazione dei beni architettonici e ambientali. In R.P. MILONE E (a cura di), l'Esame di Stato (pp. 308-327). ROMA: Prospettive Edizioni; 2007
Pugliano A. Anatomia degli organismi edilizi tradizionali. In ZEVI L (a cura di), Manuale del Restauro Architettonico (pp. A1-A45). ROMA: Mancosu Editore. 2001
Pugliano A. L'organismo architettonico premoderno. Consuetudini costruttive e compagine materiale dell'edilizia storica di ambiente romano. In Giovanetti F (a cura di), Manuale del recupero del Comune di Roma. Seconda edizione ampliata (pp. 47-121). ROMA: DEI 1997.
De Felice G, Pugliano A. Il lessico costruttivo dell'edilizia storica. In Giuffrè A (a cura di), Sicurezza e conservazione dei centri storici. Il caso di Ortigia (pp. 69-99). Roma Bari: GLF Editori Laterza 1993.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Marconi P, Pugliano A. (a cura) Architettura, Archeologia, Restauro. voll. 103-104, Ricerche di Storia dell'Arte. Roma: Carocci; 2011. Pugliano A. Il Riconoscimento, la Documentazione, il Catalogo dei Beni Architettonici. Elementi di un costituendo Thesaurus utile alla Conoscenza, alla Tutela, alla Conservazione dell’Architettura, 2 voll. Roma: Prospettive edizioni; 2009. Marconi P. Il restauro e l’architetto. Venezia: Marsilio; 2001 Pugliano A. (a cura), Restauro architettonico e Restauro archeologico. voll. 74-75, Ricerche di Storia dell'Arte. Roma: Carocci; 2001 Zevi L. (a cura), Manuale del Restauro Architettonico. Roma: Mancosu; 2001.

Modalità Erogazione

The module of Architectural Design of Restoration and Enhancement will provide students with lessons, seminars and, if possible, inspections, some operational elements (cognitive, critical and technical) useful for testing the design and execution process of the restoration. If the structure of the teaching will allow it will be carried out exercises useful to better understand the traditional architectural language, natural premise to the exercise of philological restoration. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. In particular, the following new methods will apply. The new methods will be carried out connecting the Student and the Teacher by means of the Microsoft Teams platform. This modality can take advantage of sharing the screen (i.e. the desktop) in order to support the dialogue with graphical and/or textual materials.

Modalità Frequenza

The teaching is carried out through lectures, seminars and other activities such as exercises and inspections. Attendance is compulsory both in the presence of teaching and in the possible online teaching.

Modalità Valutazione

The learning test takes place through an individual oral exam and consists in the discussion of the design exercises and the general themes highlighted during the course. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. In particular, the following new methods will apply: the exam tests by the new methods will be carried out connecting the Student and the Teacher by means of the Microsoft Teams platform. This modality can take advantage of sharing the screen (i.e. the desktop) in order to support the dialogue with graphical and/or textual materials.