The course examines themes and exemplary and/or controversial international cases related to the restoration of monuments and the conservation of cultural heritage.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course deals with issues and exemplary and/or controversial cases of the international debate on the restoration of monuments and on the conservation of cultural heritage.
Criteria, traditions, methods and techniques, related to specific geographical areas, orient and consolidate different ways of operating in other latitudes, sometimes in analogy, sometimes in open contrast with the principles of the Italian restoration discipline.
The monographic lectures, alongside the reading of the case studies, are accompanied by a continuous comparison with the documents and the international restoration charters, which evolve in parallel with the widening and progress of the conceptions on the nature and the specificity of the "cultural heritages", differentiated both for the contexts and geographical areas in which they arise, both for the history, traditions and cultures that have accompanied them over the centuries.
The study of diversity, as well as cultural singularities - in the field of restoration - in other nations contributes to enrich the knowledge of the theme and broadens the reference horizons of those who will be called to intervene, overcoming ideological barriers and prejudices, with greater awareness and responsibility on the existing built.

Testi Adottati

Carlo Ceschi, Teoria e Storia del restauro; Bulzoni, Roma 1970.
Jukka Jokilehto, A History of Architectural Conservation, Butterworth Heinemann - ICCROM, Oxford 1999.
Maria Margarita Segarra Lagunes, Restauración. Método y proyectos, Editorial técnica Avicam, Granada 2018.
Maria Margarita Segarra Lagunes, Método y práctica de la restauración arquitectónica, Efesto editore, Roma 2018.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

RIVISTE: “Loggia”, Arquitectura & Restauración. “Ricerche di Storia dell’Arte”, serie Conservazione e Restauro. “Quaderni ARCo. Restauro, Storia e Tecnica”. “Restauro e Città”, nn. 1-12. “Casabella”. “Monumental”. "ANANKE”. “El croquis” LIBRI Alois Riegl, Scritti sulla tutela e il restauro, a cura di Giuseppe La Monica, la Palma ed., Palermo 1982. Mario Manieri Elia, Lavoro storico sulle dinamiche trasformative dell’architettura (1983), in Esperienze di Storia dell’architettura e di restauro, Enciclopedia italiana, Roma 1987, pp. 185-191. Paolo Marconi, Dal piccolo al grande restauro, Venezia 1988. Mario Manieri Elia, Dall’analisi storica ai programmi di restauro architettonico (1986), in Problemi del restauro in Italia, Campanotto Editore, Udine 1988, pp. 15-20. Mario Manieri Elia, Uso e modificazione, in “Dialoghi di restauro”, n. 2, Restauro architettonico: il tema dell’uso, Comitato Giuseppe Gerola, Trento 1990, p. 43-51. Mario Manieri Elia, La conservazione: opera differita, in “Casabella”, n. 582, 1991, pp. 43-45. Maria Margarita Segarra Lagunes, Il restauro in Italia/Il restauro in Messico, Ed. Soprintendenza Archeologica per il Lazio/UNAM, Roma 1992. Françoise Choay, L’allegoria del patrimonio, Officina, Roma 1992. Paolo Marconi, Il restauro e l’architetto, Marsilio, Venezia 1993.Carlo Ceschi, Teoria e Storia del restauro; Bulzoni, Roma 1970. Jukka Jokilehto, A History of Architectural Conservation, Butterworth Heinemann - ICCROM, Oxford 1999.

Modalità Erogazione

The course takes place through ex cathedra monographic lessons, followed by discussions and debates on the different criteria and methods of approach to the conservation of cultural heritage in the world.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is mandatory, as is participation in debates focusing on the topics covered by the course.

Modalità Valutazione

The final exam will take place with a discussion. It will focus on individual research performed by the student (on a historical building, with different stratifications, previously agreed with the teacher) and on the different topics addressed by the course's monographic lessons.