Teaching goals
Landscape is never still. Everything, even what is apparently inert, is permeated and modelled by a continuous work that transforms, generates, regenerates and consumes it. Regardless of the spatial and temporal scale on which it is viewed, the landscape is a vibrant matter and is constantly changing, in ways that are sometimes barely perceptible, at other times overwhelming. Assuming this awareness is useful in order to position ourselves in front of the contemporary condition of territories and environments. The aim of the course is to investigate the landscape, in its urban dimension, as a performative statute, through investigations in landscape and urban planning literature (reading) and through explorations and transformative actions (observations and interactions), which are able to train the competence of observation (knowing how to see) and of cooperation (knowing how to interact with the dynamics in progress).
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course is integrated and multidisciplinary, including Landscape Architecture and Urbanism. It is articulated in a series of theoretical-critical insights referring to the contemporary culture of landscape and urbanism. In parallel, a number of interaction practices are performed that require direct observation of the landscape and interaction with it, verifying over the duration of the course the effects of human/non-human, biotic/abiotic coexistence at the site taken as a study and action case.

Testi Adottati

• Bee, M. (2020). Spaces of indecision Manifatture Knos Setting a Precedent in Italy. In M. F. De Tullio (Ed.), Commons. Between Dreams and Reality (pp. 102–120). Creative Industry Košice.
• Care Collective, (2021). Manifesto della cura. Per una politica dell’interdipendenza. Alegre Edizioni.
• Celestini, G. (2018). Agire con il paesaggio. Aracne.
• Coccia, E. (2022). Metamorfosi. Siamo un’unica sola vita. Einaudi.
• de la Bellacasa, Maria (2017). Matters of Care: Speulative Ethics in More Than Human Words. University of Minnesota Press.
• Hirsch, A. (2014). The Landscape Imagination: Collected Essays of James Corner 1990-2010. Princeton Architectural Press.
• Metta, A. (2022). Il paesaggio è un mostro. Città selvatiche e nature ibride. Deriveapprodi.
• Papadopoulos, D. (2018). Experimental Practice. Technoscience, Alterontologies, and More-Than-Social Movements, Durham, NC, Duke University Press.
• Pellizzoni, L. (2016). Ontological Politics in a Disposable World: The New Mastery of Nature. Routledge.
• Ranzato, M., Vanin, F. (2021). Veneto 2100. Living with water. Silvana Editore.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

• Bee, M. (2020). Spaces of indecision Manifatture Knos Setting a Precedent in Italy. In M. F. De Tullio (Ed.), Commons. Between Dreams and Reality (pp. 102–120). Creative Industry Košice. • Care Collective, (2021). Manifesto della cura. Per una politica dell’interdipendenza. Alegre Edizioni. • Celestini, G. (2018). Agire con il paesaggio. Aracne. • Coccia, E. (2022). Metamorfosi. Siamo un’unica sola vita. Einaudi. • de la Bellacasa, Maria (2017). Matters of Care: Speulative Ethics in More Than Human Words. University of Minnesota Press. • Hirsch, A. (2014). The Landscape Imagination: Collected Essays of James Corner 1990-2010. Princeton Architectural Press. • Metta, A. (2022). Il paesaggio è un mostro. Città selvatiche e nature ibride. Deriveapprodi. • Papadopoulos, D. (2018). Experimental Practice. Technoscience, Alterontologies, and More-Than-Social Movements, Durham, NC, Duke University Press. • Pellizzoni, L. (2016). Ontological Politics in a Disposable World: The New Mastery of Nature. Routledge. • Ranzato, M., Vanin, F. (2021). Veneto 2100. Living with water. Silvana Editore.

Modalità Erogazione

The course includes theoretical seminars for reading and discussion of shared texts. These are paired with actions of observation and transformation of a site taken as a study and action case, via mapping and performative actions on a 1:1 scale.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is mandatory for 75% of the course

Modalità Valutazione

An illustrated diary is to be produced during the course. It accounts, in an interwoven manner and using different expressive techniques (e.g. texts, drawings, photographs, inventories), the outcomes of the shared readings and the landscape observations and interactions made, to be discussed at the oral interview.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course is integrated and multidisciplinary, including Landscape Architecture and Urbanism. It is articulated in a series of theoretical-critical insights referring to the contemporary culture of landscape and urbanism. In parallel, a number of interaction practices are performed that require direct observation of the landscape and interaction with it, verifying over the duration of the course the effects of human/non-human, biotic/abiotic coexistence at the site taken as a study and action case.

Testi Adottati

• Bee, M. (2020). Spaces of indecision Manifatture Knos Setting a Precedent in Italy. In M. F. De Tullio (Ed.), Commons. Between Dreams and Reality (pp. 102–120). Creative Industry Košice.
• Care Collective, (2021). Manifesto della cura. Per una politica dell’interdipendenza. Alegre Edizioni.
• Celestini, G. (2018). Agire con il paesaggio. Aracne.
• Coccia, E. (2022). Metamorfosi. Siamo un’unica sola vita. Einaudi.
• de la Bellacasa, Maria (2017). Matters of Care: Speulative Ethics in More Than Human Words. University of Minnesota Press.
• Hirsch, A. (2014). The Landscape Imagination: Collected Essays of James Corner 1990-2010. Princeton Architectural Press.
• Metta, A. (2022). Il paesaggio è un mostro. Città selvatiche e nature ibride. Deriveapprodi.
• Papadopoulos, D. (2018). Experimental Practice. Technoscience, Alterontologies, and More-Than-Social Movements, Durham, NC, Duke University Press.
• Pellizzoni, L. (2016). Ontological Politics in a Disposable World: The New Mastery of Nature. Routledge.
• Ranzato, M., Vanin, F. (2021). Veneto 2100. Living with water. Silvana Editore.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

• Bee, M. (2020). Spaces of indecision Manifatture Knos Setting a Precedent in Italy. In M. F. De Tullio (Ed.), Commons. Between Dreams and Reality (pp. 102–120). Creative Industry Košice. • Care Collective, (2021). Manifesto della cura. Per una politica dell’interdipendenza. Alegre Edizioni. • Celestini, G. (2018). Agire con il paesaggio. Aracne. • Coccia, E. (2022). Metamorfosi. Siamo un’unica sola vita. Einaudi. • de la Bellacasa, Maria (2017). Matters of Care: Speulative Ethics in More Than Human Words. University of Minnesota Press. • Hirsch, A. (2014). The Landscape Imagination: Collected Essays of James Corner 1990-2010. Princeton Architectural Press. • Metta, A. (2022). Il paesaggio è un mostro. Città selvatiche e nature ibride. Deriveapprodi. • Papadopoulos, D. (2018). Experimental Practice. Technoscience, Alterontologies, and More-Than-Social Movements, Durham, NC, Duke University Press. • Pellizzoni, L. (2016). Ontological Politics in a Disposable World: The New Mastery of Nature. Routledge. • Ranzato, M., Vanin, F. (2021). Veneto 2100. Living with water. Silvana Editore.

Modalità Erogazione

The course includes theoretical seminars for reading and discussion of shared texts. These are paired with actions of observation and transformation of a site taken as a study and action case, via mapping and performative actions on a 1:1 scale.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is mandatory for 75% of the course

Modalità Valutazione

An illustrated diary is to be produced during the course. It accounts, in an interwoven manner and using different expressive techniques (e.g. texts, drawings, photographs, inventories), the outcomes of the shared readings and the landscape observations and interactions made, to be discussed at the oral interview.