21010263-2 - DRAWING

The objectives of the individual module help to define the set of objectives of the entire course.
The course provides the tools for understanding the city's formative, typological and constructive characteristics for the purpose of a conscious intervention of recovery, transformation or restoration through the architectural and structural survey and the consequent critical and philological analysis of an urban fabric.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


didactic methods
The course is developed with lectures ex cathedra, visits and inspections, debates.
During the weekly meetings part of the time available will be devoted to a "laboratory" in which there will be graphic tutorials, reviews, thematic analysis in the presence of teachers who will provide practical explanations from time to time on the exercises to be performed.
The periodic review of the projects, exercises, trials, is an integral part of the learning path.
Mid-term evaluations are foreseen together with lectures and laboratory. student's attendance is required.

learning assessment procedures
The examination consists in the discussion and evaluation of the assignments and drawings gradually developed during the course and the presentation of a "notebook" containing all the exercises made in the classroom, at home and outside.

Testi Adottati

- R. Arnheim, Arte e percezione visiva, Milano 1965
- M. De Simone, Disegno, rilievo, progetto. Il disegno delle idee, il progetto delle cose, Roma 1990
- E. E. Viollet Le Duc, Storia di un disegnatore, Cavallino, Venezia 1992
- M. Docci e D. Maestri, Scienza del disegno, Torino 2000

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

- R. Arnheim, Arte e percezione visiva, Milano 1965 - M. De Simone, Disegno, rilievo, progetto. Il disegno delle idee, il progetto delle cose, Roma 1990 - E. E. Viollet Le Duc, Storia di un disegnatore, Cavallino, Venezia 1992 - M. Docci e D. Maestri, Scienza del disegno, Torino 2000

Modalità Erogazione

The course aims to deepen the ways of representing the city related to its urban structure and historical transformations, linked to the connections between natural and anthropic physical elements. These issues are investigated through the reading, analysis and direct and photogrammetric survey of a portion of the urban fabric of one of the historic districts of Rome. There will be: frontal lessons, exercises, field work in the inspections and group work.

Modalità Frequenza

attendance is mandatory for 75%

Modalità Valutazione

The learning verification takes place through the development of digital graphic tables. Deliveries and evaluations are expected during the year. All exam tables from previous years are available on the facebook page City structure. The exam takes place with a discussion on the papers presented and on the theoretical contents of the course. In case of online exam, students must upload on the platform indicated by the teacher, the exam papers (of the course and of the module) on the platform indicated by the teacher one week before the exam session. The same works will be shared on screen during the oral exam. Required documents: Phase 1: Analysis of transformations and reading of the urban structure: - tables on the geomorphological aspects of the area connected to the characteristics of the expansion and evolution of the urban fabric, up to the scale of the district Phase 2: Geometric and critical survey: - Urban planning 1: 2000 - Plan of the Covers 1: 200 (or 1: 500) - Plant with 1: 200 trilateration - Prospectuses 1: 100 (developed prospectuses) - Profiles 1: 200 - Sections in situ 1: 100 - Plants 1: 100 - Rendered Views - Details - Analysis and recognition of crack patterns Phase 3: Ideal restitution of pre-urban urban environments and structural analysis - Plan of the Gregorian cadastre - Building profiles as recorded in the documentation - 3d of the urban environment prior to post-unification interventions - A table on building types and their reinterpretation for use of the model