21010264-2 - URBAN PLANNING

The objectives of the individual module help to define the set of objectives of the entire course.
The course focuses on the integrated analysis of settlement, environmental, and infrastructural systems within a portion of the Roman territory. The critical examination of morphological factors, social components, and contextual relationships serves as the starting point for the design of urban space. The primary object of the design exercise is public space and the architectural elements essential for its equipping, with an initial examination of behaviors in public spaces and the relationships between design and usage practices.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


Starting from the forms of appropriation that have characterised the human-urban development of Rome, "Extra-space. Times, bodies, dynamics of the contemporary city" considers the processes affecting public space by thinking it through the multiplying lens of time. The planning discourse, thus, opens up to an ‘intermediate’ dimension of policies and design, understood in both material and immaterial terms. In this perspective, other spheres of the city, increasingly important such as the participatory but also the emotional and affective ones, become prominent.
For Extra-space, this expresses a way of working with urban fragilities to translate them into an inclusive way of understanding and practising urbanism. Indeed, challenging the normative thinking through the intermediate space also means retreating of solely specialised knowledge, of planning and conservation, in order to open the extant up to the agency of human and non-human subjects.
Following the groups organisation (three to four people) proposed in the Urban Space Design Lab, the module accompanies and amplifies the theoretical-practical understanding of the public space design, developing enhancement strategies aimed at creating adaptive, healthy and resilient urban systems.

Testi Adottati

Boano, Camillo, and Cristina Bianchetti. 2022. Lifelines: Politics, Ethics, and the Affective Economy of Inhabiting. Berlin: Jovis.
Lefebvre, Henri. 2014. Toward an Architecture of Enjoyment. edited by Ł. Stanek. Minneapolis; London: University of Minnesota Press.
Lynch, Kevin. 1972. What Time Is This Place. Massachusetts and London, England: MIT Press Cambridge.
Pizzo, Barbara. 2023. Vivere o Morire Di Rendita. La Rendita Urbana Nel XXI Secolo. Roma: Donzelli.
Rodney Harrison, Caitlin DeSilvey, Cornelius Holtorf, Sharon Macdonald, Nadia Bartolini, Esther Breithoff, Harald Fredheim, Antony Lyons, Sarah May, Jennie Morgan, and Sefryn Penrose, eds. 2020. Heritage Futures: Comparative Approaches to Natural and Cultural Heritage Practices. London: UCL Press.
Smith, Laurajane. 2021. Emotional Heritage: Visitor Engagement at Museums and Heritage Sites. Routledge.

Modalità Erogazione

The course is divided into 2 phases: in the first students develop the critical analysis work, in the second the project. The first phase lasts about 6 weeks (ends in the second half of November) and involves frontal didactic activities, seminars with expert guests, site visits and workshop activities; it ends with the production of synthetic and interpretative analysis outputs (drawings, models, digital outputs, ...) and the identification of the "project area”; The second phase lasts about 8 weeks and involves mainly laboratory activities and integrations of frontal teaching; in this second phase, in the first half of January, an intermediate assignment is planned, which will review and evaluate the first phase of work and the general project approach. The work continues with the definition and investigation of the aspects that specifically characterize the projects developed by the students up to the date of the final exam. Students carry out the work in groups of 2-3 people. Students will be provided with: basic cartographies and drawings in different formats (dwg, illustrator, shapefile), bibliographic references and iconographic sources.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance of the course is compulsory. Only those who have produced the required analysis papers in the first phase of the “Urban Space Design Lab” and have delivered the interim assignment scheduled in the second phase can take the exam.

Modalità Valutazione

The final assessment is agreed with the teacher of the Urban Space Design Lab, considering both the results of the analytical, design exploration and of the Extra-dossier. Argumentation skills and coherence of the analysis and proposed projects will be considered during the examination, opening the discussion to those lectures and key texts indicated in the Module.