21010265-1 - URBAN PLANNING

The objectives of the individual module help to define the set of objectives of the entire course.
The workshop proposes design experimentation starting from the confrontation with some of the issues that characterise urban design today: the question of space, destruction, density, the identification of the resources indispensable to change and the agents that can produce it. The workshop will transmit technical knowledge from the perspective of looking at places as a reinvention of what surrounds us, innovating the operational and cultural schemes that contribute to defining the posture of the town planning architect. Students will configure the design proposal by reasoning, during the different transitions that characterise our time, on the possible transformative actions and confronting the complex governance of the factors that build the city.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


Today cities appear as inhabited territories, they are increasingly "endless cities". Even Rome has now overflowed well beyond its administrative borders, we can speak of a City Region. We would like to question the territory of Rome and ask ourselves: what is the current “forma urbis” of Rome? The "great project" of Rome is to recognize its current "forma urbis". They are the "voids" not built but in reality full of values: agricultural, environmental (parks and reserves) and ecological. The soil, the water that in their intertwining with the territorial extension, the different densities of living, the signs of history that have deposited over time to give "shape to the current urban", the one that looks to the future.
We aim to give meaning to the complex of spaces, shapes, symbols that connote the city we live in from a historical-cultural and social point of view to help restore its “forma urbis”. Rehab, rewrite.

A first representation of Rome is given by the “built lumps” held together by the infrastructures, in continuous transformation, an overwriting on a text already written in part. While the expansion has proceeded by additions, now the growth can take place by stratification on the existing and is built on top of the already built.

Testi Adottati

C. Amato, C. Ravagnan, Percorsi di Resilienza. Rilancio e riuso delle ferrovie in dismissione nei territori fragili tra Italia e Spagna. Aracne, Roma, 2020

Modalità Erogazione

The course will be followed a bidirectional and interlocutory iter between teachers and students, during which the theoretical themes of urban planning and those closely related to urban planning will be addressed. The core course of the course will consist of a series of meetings of verification and comparison, to allow a continuous exchange between the experiences progressively matured.

Modalità Frequenza

Students must attend at the least the 75% of lessons to be admitted to the final exam.

Modalità Valutazione

To attend the exam, students must provide individually evidence of discipline elements acquired and, as a group, illustrate the product of their training during a collective exposure.