LEGAL CLINIC ON MIGRATION AND ASYLUM A.Y. 2022-2023 - Registrations are open!

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LEGAL CLINIC ON MIGRATION AND ASYLUM A.Y. 2022-2023 - Registrations are open!
From A.Y. 2022-2023, the course of "Legal Clinic on Migration and Asylum" (former "Clinica del Diritto dell’Immigrazione e della Cittadinanza") is taught in English, as part of the Roma Tre Law School programme. 

How to enroll:

The clinical methodology requires a smaller number of students than traditional teaching. The Legal Clinic on Migration and Asylum course thus has a cap of 25 students (exceptions are possible in specific cases). Classes will be held in person.

Applications received in the days that immediately follow the deadline will still be evaluated, considering the number of students enrolled and the applicant's profile.

GPA and English language certificate are not required. However, students must be able to attend classes taught in English.

In case of over-application, the preference will be given to students closer to the end of their educational path.

In the application, students are thus invited to indicate:

- name and surname;
- the year of enrollment (i.e., third, fourth, and so on);
- the degree programme;
- any previous experience in the field of migrant rights and social volunteering.

The deadline for applications is the 30th of September 2022.

Applications should be sent via email to:

All information about the course is available Link identifier #identifier__77729-1here.

Link identifier #identifier__17840-2Locandina

Link identifier #identifier__54787-3Programma
Link identifier #identifier__136894-1Link identifier #identifier__65540-2Link identifier #identifier__109510-3Link identifier #identifier__812-4