Toward an Epistemology of Vernacular Renaissance Architecture. Close and Distant Reading of Nineteenth-Century French Drawings

tipologia: Altri progetti internazionali
strumento: Finanziamento dell’Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art (INHA) di Parigi –

abstract: The aim of the research is to offer   a critical assessment of the nineteenth-century French drawings housed at the INHA, to be used as a tool for examining both professional architectural instruments and the legacy of vernacular Italian Renaissance architecture in nineteenth-century France. The study intends to distinguish between the individual contribution of each student at the École des Beaux-Arts and the influence of the institution’s pedagogical system. Furthermore, the research will explore the use of the vernacular Renaissance as a model in the architectural studies in the nineteenth-century France.

data di inizio: 01.03.2020
data di fine: 31.05.2021 _ proroga al 31.12.2023
durata: 15 mesi

responsabile scientifico: Link identifier #identifier__44002-1Francesca Mattei (responsabile unico – Dipartimento di Architettura Università degli Studi Roma Tre)

partner: Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art (INHA)

ERC Principale – Settore: SH5 – Cultures and Cultural Production: Literature and philosophy, visual and performing arts, music, cultural and comparative studies

parole chiave: Disegni di architettura; École des Beaux-Arts; Grand Tour

sito di approfondimento: Link identifier #identifier__113118-2 identifier #identifier__154093-1

Link identifier #identifier__50557-3Link identifier #identifier__194156-4Link identifier #identifier__88066-5Link identifier #identifier__180499-6
Emiliano Mattiello 13 Marzo 2024