tipologia: Altri progetti internazionali
programma: IOT based monitoring, decision making, dynamic identification
call for proposal: Executive program for Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Italian Republic and Republic of India, 2017-2019
strumento: Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (MAE-AICS)
abstract: Natural and historical heritage needs to be monitored and maintained to conserve the common culture and heritage, and to bestow it safely to the future generations. The objective of this project is to design an IoT platform for monitoring the health of natural and historical heritage structures. This platform will include modules capable to perform sensor fusion, direct and inverse modelling of structures, decision support system for damage detection, visualization and alert dissemination to provide real-time health status of the structures.
data di inizio: 01.01.2017
data di fine: 31.12.2018
durata: 24 mesi
responsabile scientifico unità di ricerca: Link identifier #identifier__102595-1Stefano Gabriele (Dipartimento di Architettura Università Roma Tre)
docenti e ricercatori partecipanti: Valerio Varano (Dipartimento di Architettura Università Roma Tre), Franco Milicchio
partner: Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri Campus, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amrita University, Clappana P. O, Kollam, Kerala, India
ERC Principale – Settore: PE6_2, PE8_3
parole chiave: Modeling, optimization, sensors
sito di approfondimento: Link identifier #identifier__93406-2https://www.amrita.edu/research/project/iot-framework-modeling-monitoring-and-damage-detection-natural-and-historicalLink identifier #identifier__102876-1