
ragazzi che giocano in strada

tipologia: Progetti di ricerca finanziati dall’UE
codice progetto: 776766
programma: Link identifier #identifier__153310-1H2020-EU.3.5.6. – Cultural heritage
call for proposal: H2020-SC5-2017-OneStageB
strumento: RIA – Research and Innovation action

abstract: OpenHeritage aims at creating, testing and optimising an inclusive governance model of adaptive heritage re-use and a supportive toolbox based on consortium expertise, systematically gathered evidence from thematically and geographically dispersed Observatory Cases (OCs), and practical testing in similarly diverse Cooperative Heritage Labs (CHLs) to produce usable and transferable results. The OCs are innovative experiments of adaptive re-use in community and stakeholder integration, resource integration, financial management, and territorial integration that will be studied, whereas CHLs are adaptive re-use laboratories run by consortium members, where innovative solutions will be experimented with.
The project recognises that heritage preservation and management efforts are often inefficient and unsustainable without the integrated application of interdisciplinary knowledge, multistakeholder cooperation, and community involvement. Thus, the project’s point of departure is the possibility of empowering the community in the redevelopment process of cultural heritage (CH) sites, both locally and on a wider scale, based on the concepts of heritage community and participatory culture. Inclusive governance also means incorporating a coalition of stakeholders into the re-use and maintenance process, the integration of resources, and exploring innovative financial and economic and business models.

data di inizio:  01.06.2018
data di fine: 30.06.2022 _ proroga al 30.09.2022
durata: 48 mesi

responsabile scientifico: Link identifier #identifier__10196-2Giovanni Caudo
ruolo: Responsabile unità operativa
docenti e ricercatori partecipanti: Mauro Baioni; Fabrizia Cannella; Federica Fava

partner: Metropolitan Research Institute (coordinator); Eutropian GmbH; Universiteit Gent; Newcastle University; Humboldt Universität zu Berlin; Oddział Warszawski Stowarzyszenia Architektów Polskich; ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability European Secretariat; Eurodite; Stiftung trias; Center for Urban History of East Central Europe; Luiss Libera Universita Internazionale Degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli; Platoniq Sistema Cultural; Közep-Europai Egyetem (Central European University); Camara Municipal de Lisboa; Tyne & Wear Building Preservation Trust

ERC Principale – Settore: SH5
ERC Secondario – Settore: SH5_8

parole chiave: cultural heritage; adaptive-reuse; commoning

sit di approfondimento: Link identifier #identifier__158353-3

Link identifier #identifier__153775-4Link identifier #identifier__164685-5Link identifier #identifier__151032-6Link identifier #identifier__8286-7
Emiliano Mattiello 13 Marzo 2024